Medical Audits Supports the Implementation of a National Early Warning Score as part of Effective Sepsis Recognition and Management

Medical Audits National Early Warning Score Audit Tool

Early Warning Scores assist healthcare professionals in recognising the deterioration of a patient by categorising the severity of illness, thus prompting nursing staff to request a medical review at specific trigger points.

Medical Audits, Early Warning Score Audit (NEWS Audit) has been bespoke designed to assist with the early recognition of Sepsis and the implementation of Early Warning score cards.

Medical Audits TS+ Sepsis bundles simplify the complex processes involved in Identifying Sepsis and enable standardised Sepsis management. Each of our bundles are designed to audit practice in relation to the key elements of sepsis management with a range of care bundles and audits to support the implementation of best practice guidelines.

Our Sepsis Management bundle includes audits and training resources for Sepsis Management

Implementing Sepsis screening programmes is now a national patient safety initiative. Medical Audits Sepsis Management audits are designed by healthcare experts with years of experience in implementing change and driving improvement strategies.

We know how challenging this can be and so we have designed a suite of audits, backed up with training and education resources, to empower staff in the clinical area.

Early Warning Score - Essential for recognition of SEPSIS

The Management of SEPSIS and the screening for SEPSIS has become a worldwide target for Infection Prevention and Patient Safety in Healthcare and in the community.

The equivalent of the Emirates stadium full of people die of SEPSIS each year in the UK alone.

Early detection, timeliness and competency of clinical response are recognised as the main determinants of clinical outcome in people with acute illness (RCP, 2012)

Numerous studies internationally now recommend the use of Track and Trigger systems or ‘early warning scores’ (EWS) to ensure prompt identification and adequate response to patients who either present with acute illness or who become acutely ill during their hospital stay.

DEFINITION - Sepsis Early Warning Score

Early Warning Scores facilitate early detection of deterioration by categorising a patient’s severity of illness and prompting nursing staff to request a medical review at specific trigger points utilising a structured communication tool while following a definitive escalation plan (HSE, 2014).

By agreeing a National Early Warning Score (NEWS), countries can standardise the assessment of acute illness severity, thus enabling a more timely response but also ensuring a common tool across acute hospitals nationally.

Because of the differing responses to sepsis in pregnancy and young children, separate EWS have been developed for these groups.

This audit aims to support implementation of NEWS and Paediatric EWS by providing a standardised method of collecting and analysing data while also providing an education tool to assist with embedding these best practice standards into daily use in clinical practice.

✔ The Surviving Sepsis Campaign, International Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2012 (updated 2015)
✔ The Irish Clinical Guideline for Sepsis Management (2015)
✔ NICE guidelines on the recognition, diagnosis and management of severe sepsis *

*NICE guidance for sepsis are in development and will include the recognition, diagnosis and management of severe sepsis. Once issued, our systems will be updated to comply with any new recommendations

As with all Medical Audits’ systems, the data is available in real time on the audit devices AND on up to the minute digital dashboards, providing staff with feedback as soon as the audit is completed.

Related Auditing Systems from Medical Audits

Early Warning System

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Quality Assurance


Easy to use optimised user interface


Tripled audit capacity


Real time digital dashboards and reports


Ward digital dashboards


Immediate feedback


Action Plans

Medical Audit’s Technology System helps you monitor practice and train staff, ensuring Early Recognition of Sepsis and prompt Antimicrobial treatment.

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Multi-disciplinary involvement in SEPSIS recognition and management Essential to saving lives from SEPSIS.

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