Monitoring and surveillance of MRSA, C Difficle and other alert organisms using Medical Audits Technology Systems.

There are certain risk factors associated with colonisation with a Multi Drug Resistant Organism (MDRO).

These include:

  • Previous history of having been colonised with the organism
  • Recent inpatient stay in a Healthcare facility
  • Residents in Long term care facilities and nursing homes
  • Patients who have received recurrent courses of certain antibiotics (Vancomycin in the case of VRE as an example)

There are other patient related risks associated with increased susceptibility to infectious diseases such as:

  • Age (very young or very old)
  • Presence of co-morbidities
  • Patients on Chemotherapy
  • Patients on high dose steroids
  • Neutropenic patients

Medical Audits have developed an audit tool specifically to support Infection prevention and control nurses (IPCN) during daily ward rounds. Using our system will assist in data collection and analysis of route of admission and transmission of infection.

Surveillance of Alert Organisms Is So Easy When You Use Medical Audits Surveillance of Alert Organism Audit Tool

✔ You can audit and generate reports relating to colonisation and infection with Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE), Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), Clostridioides difficile (formally known as Clostridium difficile, C. Diff). , Tuberculosis (TB) etc.
✔ Check patients isolated and track source of infection.
✔ Monitor at risk patients prior to diagnosis.
✔ Record source of admission of colonised and infected patients.

Preadmission Screening is the Gold Standard in Controlling Spread if MRSA and other Multi Drug resistant Organisms (MDROs)

It is always best to have identified an alert organism prior to admission (in the pre-assessment clinic or in the initial medical assessment undertaken by the GP or consultant).

  • The patient can receive treatment in advance of hospital admission or if this isn’t possible, the healthcare facility can at least know in advance and have a single room available for the patient if required.
  • In the case of MRSA for example research indicates that patients colonised with MRSA acquired an infection 3% of patients colonised with MRSA on admission to hospital will develop an MRSA infection compared to 0.1% of those MRSA negative on admission (HPS, 2009.

Part of the role of IPCNs is to check with staff in the department if there are any patients with possible infectious diseases, ensuring they are isolated if needed

Medical Audits Alert Organism Surveillance System Facilitates Monitoring of Isolation Room Usage

✔ Using medical audits Infection Prevention audit tool you can quickly and efficiently. monitor your usage of isolation rooms and track patients requiring transmission based precautions and isolation.
✔ Medical Audits develop our systems with reference to National standards for Infection prevention across the EU and the UK.
✔ You can audit against all the newest standards and be confident you will identify issues quickly and efficiently.

Alert Organism Management

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Infection Prevention Control Audit Software

Triple your Audit Capacity

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Using our audit systems can triple your auditing capacity

Don’t take our word for it - ask any of our satisfied customers

Guidelines For The Prevention And Control Of Multi Drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO)

Surveillance of Multi Drug resistant Organisms

Medical Audits Alert organism Surveillance system is a tool to monitor multi drug resistant organisms and isolation precautions implemented to prevent HCAI.

Contact us, have a chat and lets book a demo