At Medical audits we have a team of experienced Infection Prevention Professionals with decades of experience in setting up and running Infection Control programmes.
We can help you towards excellence in areas such as :-
- Development of Infection Prevention Programmes
- Preparation of Infection Prevention Plans
- Design of Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI) surveillance programmes
- Theatre and Isolation room microbiological commissioning
- Preparation for accreditation / audit interview
Preparation of local Infection prevention Plan, HSE and NHS Hospitals
- New HIQA recommendations (2017) and CQC guidelines require Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) teams to have detailed Infection Prevention plans that are prepared with reference to local quality and risk assessments, local audit results and surveillance data.
- We can come on site and work with you to teach you the skills to develop your own local Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) programme and plan.
- We will ensure you have the skills and a template so you can then update this plan going forward.
Excellent knowledge, initiative, interpersonal skills and ambition to deliver infection prevention and control services in challenging times.
This resulted in commendation for the service during JCI accreditation, reduction in MRSA colonisation and infection rates, European Hand hygiene excellence award to mention but a few

Dr Maureen Lynch
Consultant Microbiologist
Mater Private Hospital
Designing local Infection Prevention and Control Programme
- We can assist with development of your Infection Prevention programme and advise on programme content and how to prioritise components of the programme based on local resources and local risks.
- We can teach you how to best evidence compliance with Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Joint Commission International (JCI) standards.
Designing a Surveillance Programme for healthcare associated infection in NHS and HSE Hospitals
Hospitals' need to monitor and measure their performance using a range of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These include compliance audit results for practice such as Hand hygiene and Invasive device management as well as patient outcomes such as surgical site surveillance and blood stream infection surveillance data.
We can assist you with ongoing prospective surveillance systems.
Ann’s overall preparation for, and delivery of, the lectures was outstanding and the students were provided with up to date lecture notes, reading material and references which facilitated a clear linkage between what was taught and the underlying evidence to support arguments made. The feedback from the students was excellent and all performed well in their examinations and assignments, indicating clear understanding of the material presented during the programme.
Professor Zena Moore
Professor and Head of the School of Nursing & Midwifery
Testimonial relating to Nurse training in Infection Prevention and Quality Assurance programmes