Our team of experts can help your organisation prepare for the onslaught of respiratory infections that occur every winter.
Outbreaks of influenza COVID-19 and even the common cold can be a major toll on all public facing organisations
Infection Prevention Control (IPC) risk assessments
Medical audits can provide:
- On site audits to identify key areas where you can take actions to reduce spread of infections such as Coronavirus COVID-19 and Influenza
- On site audits of public facing areas to identify risks of spread of organisms that cause infection
- Audit of staff facilities and offices areas to identify risks of spread of infection
- Consultancy to provide a list of recommendations to help you to reduce spread of respiratory infections such as colds and flu
- Infection prevention expert advice provided
Medical Audits have been assisting the National Museum of Ireland in relation to staff information sessions, comprehensively providing their knowledge and expertise on the subject matter of Covid 19.
Their flexibility in meeting our needs are exceptional, with no request not met. With multiple sites and needs, Medical Audits, in particular Ann Higgins thoroughly addressed all our staff concerns, with frank honesty and lots of wisdom and tips.
Staff felt comfortable asking questions and they received confident answers to their questions.

Maria Kearns – Head of Human Resources
National Museum of Ireland.
Infection Prevention and Control Staff training sessions
We provide onsite education and remote web based sessions and staff training to help your staff working during an outbreak of infection:
- Standard precautions to prevent spread of infections
- Key actions to prevent spread of respiratory infections
- Open question and answer sessions with Infection Prevention expert to answer staff queries on ways to reduce spread of infections
- Return to work induction training
- Staff representative and on site expert training to manage infection control
For More Information about our training and education services click the links below:
Advice On Symptoms And Reducing Risks Associated With The Respiratory Infections:
It can take from 2 to 5 days for symptoms of the Influenza or Coronavirus to appear.
The main difference between colds and flu is that colds start gradually and you feel worse bit by bit over a few days whereas influenza is likely to be suddent on set
Symptoms may include sweating and a temperature, a cough, a runny nose and symptoms like a cold or more severe symptoms like shortness of breath and breathing difficulties
Symptoms such as aches and pains and feeling very tired are also more common with flu than colds
Reduce risk of acquiring respiratory infections
You can reduce risk of picking up colds and flu by washing your hands properly and regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.
Reduce your chances of spreading corona virus COVID-19
You can stop yourself spreading it by covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze.
Ensuring that you work in a well ventilated room and make sure that you air rooms regularly by opening windows
What we know about respiratory infections such as COVID-19
These viruses can spread easily from person to person if social distancing precautions are not in place.
The infectetd person can transmit the majority of colds and flu from the day before symptoms appear until 5 days after
Annual vaccination for influenza is a safe and effective way of preventing transmission of flu
HSE, Ireland And the Health Protection Surveillance Centre
These organisations provide lots of information on their websites on what to do if you're feeling unwell with respiratory symptoms
You will find the most up to date information on management of respiratory infections such as COVID-19, Influenza and RSV on their websites
Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England
These organisations provide lots of information on their websites on what to do if you're feeling unwell with respiratory symptoms
You will find the most up to date information on management of respiratory infections such as COVID-19, Influenza and RSV on their websites