Audit NHS cleaning standards and evidence compliance with National cleaning standards and NHS Cleanliness standards using Medical Audits Technology System

Medical Audits NHS cleaning standards audit tool has been developed to ensure you can evidence your compliance with regulation 12 of the Health and Social Care Act (2008). You can audit the NHS cleaning standards as laid out in the revised healthcare cleaning Manual (2012) and the NHS cleaning standards 2025.

“Organisations need to demonstrate a robust audit process for identifying whether performance levels are being achieved as this is an essential part of providing assurance of the cleanliness of a hospital”. (PAS 5748)

Using Medical Audits hospital cleaning audit and quality assurance software you can:-

✔ Audit NHS cleaning standards 2025
✔Audit hospital Cleaning standards by room and by element
✔ Audit environmental hygiene in hospitals
✔ Ensure your organisation is auditing using the correct risk ratings and elements
✔ Record cleanliness of patient equipment
✔ Audit compliance with healthcare cleaning standards and give immediate feedback
✔ Produce reports and charts and dashboards in real time
✔ Evidence compliance with National cleaning standards as per the National cleanliness standards 2025

Mathew Mckechnie, Operations Director
Barnsley Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust

Cleaning Standards across England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland

Monitor cleaning standards and Audit effectiveness of Cleaning in England using TS+ cleaning audit software from Medical Audits

In the UK, the Association of Healthcare Cleaning Professionals (AHCP) had ownership of the revised healthcare cleaning manual since it was passed over to them in 2012.

The 2025 standards for cleanliness take ownership back to the NHS and reintroduce the word 'standard' mandating compliance across all areas of healthcare.

The care quality Commission audit compliance with NHS cleaning standards as part of their unannounced audits of healthcare settings in England.

Medical Audits provide a cleaning audit, an efficacy audit and a range of complimentary audits to help healthcare organisations evidence compliance with all these standards, guidelines and regulations.

Rachel Sorhaindo, Facilities Manager for Cleaning Services
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Use Medical Audits Healthcare Cleaning Audit Tool to Monitor Compliance with National hospitals office (NHO) Cleaning standards in Ireland

In Ireland, the National Hospitals office (NHO) produced a national cleaning manual and cleaning manual appendices in 2008. This remains the National standard along with the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) Infection Prevention and Control Standards (2010) and updated 2017 National standards for the prevention and control of Healthcare Associated Infections in acute healthcare services as well as the 2018 IPC standards for community services.

HIQA carry out unannounced audits of hospital cleaning standards as part of their auditing of the National standards for the prevention and control of Healthcare Associated Infections in all healthcare settings in Ireland.

Use Medical Audits Hospital Cleaning Audit Tool to Monitor Compliance with NHS Cleaning Standards in Scotland

“Audit Scotland - A clean bill of health”, published in 2000 set the basis for cleaning, auditing and monitoring standards of hospital hygiene in NHS Scotland.

This was followed by the NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (NHS QIS)/Clinical Standards Board for Scotland (CSBS) HAI Infection Control Standards (December 2001) and Cleaning Services Standards (June 2002);

Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI)Standards were launched in 2015 by Healthcare Improvement Scotland - These are now under review and updated standards are due to be published soon.

Medical Audits cleaning audit tool provides the ideal system for monitoring cleaning standards across all NHS hospitals.

Use Medical Audits NHS Cleaning Audit Tool to Monitor Compliance with Cleaning Standards in NHS Wales

The National cleaning standards for Wales were published in 2003 and were followed in 2008 by the Welsh assembly national all Wales monitoring tool. Health Inspectorate Wales carry out audits of compliance across hospitals in Wales.

These standards were updated in 2020 with the launch of the COVID-19 Key Standards for Environmental Cleanliness by Public Health Wales

Diane Holland, Deputy Director of Infection Prevention and Control
Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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Medical Audits TS+ systems comply with:

  • National Cleaning Standards for NHS England – NCS 2007 & 2020 NHS cleaning standards
  • The NHS Cleaning Manual: NPSA, 2009
  • Regional Healthcare Hygiene and Cleanliness Audit Tool. (NHS, NI, 2013)
  • Compliance and Quality Improvement Data Collection Tool for SICPs 2014
  • Infection Prevention Society (IPS) acute and non acute audit tool (2012)
  • ICNA audit tool standards (Infection Control Nurses Association, 1995)
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