Audit National standards of Healthcare Cleanliness and evidence your cleanliness compliance levels using Medical Audits Technology System

Medical Audits National cleaning standards audit tool has been updated to ensure hospitals and healthcare settings can audit to the new healthcare cleanliness standards as laid out in the new National standards for healthcare cleanliness, 2025.


Audit the new Efficacy Standards required by the Healthcare Cleanliness standards.


You can continue to evidence your compliance with regulation 12 of the Health and Social Care Act (2008) and CQC outcome standard Regulation 15 key criteria (1 and 2) in the Health and Social Care Act Code of Practice 2015.

Using Medical Audits cleanliness audit for healthcare you can:-

✔ Audit National cleanliness standards compliance
✔ Audit hospital Cleaning standards by room
✔ Audit cleanliness of each healthcare element
✔ Record cleanliness of patient equipment
✔ Audit compliance by responsible person
✔ Provide immediate feedback
✔ Produce reports and charts and dashboards in real time

Karina Svarcaite,
Compliance Manager, Assurance & Contracts, Essentia
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

Customer Testimonial after 3 years of using Medical Audits software, the team have 5 full time auditors using Medical Audits software all day and every day

"5 star service, the Medical Audits team very passionate about what they do and proud about their system"

"Expanded the system to our other NHS trusts"

"Any issues the team sort very quickly"

"We love working with Medical Audits"

Auditing the latest cleaning standards 2025

The new National standards for cleanliness in healthcare require hospitals and healthcare facilities to commit to a new Cleanliness Charter that promotes a consistent high standard of cleanliness.

Each healthcare facility is required to categorise their departments using new risk categories that are dependent on the function of the area.

These risk categories then dictate the cleaning frequencies for each functional area.

Each functional area is then required to display a star rating based on the cleanliness of the whole department.

Medical Audits Healthcare Cleanliness audit software has been updated to support organisations in meeting these new requirements

✔ Audit compliance by all 6 new Functional Area Risk Ratings as detailed in the National standards for Cleanliness in Healthcare
✔ Produce automated star rated certificates of cleanliness to display at department level

New National standards for Cleanliness in Healthcare 2025

Monitor cleaning standards and Audit effectiveness of Cleaning in Healthcare using cleaning audit software from Medical Audits

The National standards of healthcare cleanliness 2025 were developed by a collaboration that included:

  • NHS Improvement
  • Association of Healthcare Cleaning Professionals
  • NHS estates and facilities professionals
  • Health and Safety Executive

These new standards for cleanliness are applicable to all areas of healthcare encompassing both acute and non acute settings.

Moira Hedley,
Associate Director of Cleaning Services
Barts Health NHS Trust

"The recently formed NHS Soft FM directorate at Barts NHS Trust has and continues to see ongoing improvement in our cleaning teams’ operational service performance to ensure both patient safety and adherence to the guidance as laid down in the National Standard of Healthcare Cleanliness 2025 that is in part due to our enduring partnership working with Medical Audits."

"Testimony of this is evident through the ongoing improvements that have been delivered to both the visible improvements in the independent NHS Cleanliness Standard audit scores and the consistently high levels of cleanliness standards being achieved across all clinical and non-clinical areas of our hospitals."

"The team at Medical Audits are friendly and approachable and have extended their services to us to the provision and delivery of a comprehensive and bespoke package of cleanliness training; geared around in-depth knowledge of the standards required , how to achieve those standards in the most efficient manner and, how to audit fairly and consistently to deliver practical and objective feedback to all levels of the cleaning teams."

"The hands-on training sessions as delivered by medical audits have been extremely well received by all disciplines and levels including IPC, Clinical Managers, Directors of Nursing, Cleaning Supervisors, Cleanliness Assurance Auditors and our Cleaning Operatives , several of who noted that the sessions had been ‘eye-opening’ due to the frank and engaging delivery."

"We would recommend the all-embracing and highly professional services of Medial Audits to all Healthcare providers wanting to improve their Cleanliness Standards and the Due Diligence and Governance as aligned and required."

They replace the previous Patient Safety Agency National specifications for cleanliness in the NHS which were launched in 2007, the PAS5748 cleaning standards and the more recent National standards for cleanliness in healthcare (2021).

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