Tailored Hospital Staff Training: Infection Control & Cleaning Standards

Infection Prevention & Control Training Specialist

Professional Training Services for Hospital Staff

Medical Audits provide bespoke training programmes in how to audit compliance with cleaning standards.

Delivered by experienced infection prevention practitioners with strong education and healthcare background, these auditing training programmes are always very well received.

Our in-depth knowledge of NHS Cleanliness standards and Infection Prevention and Control best practice guidance and their application to all care settings ensures we can deliver a programme to suit your organisations’ specific, individual needs.

Our team has extensive experience in education of healthcare workers and Post Graduate Infection Prevention Programmes.

Professional Education Programmes with CPD points approved.

Many of our education programmes are developed by our Senior Education Facilitator - an honorary lecturer in the Royal College of Surgeons and the Clinical Lead on the Infection prevention and Control Post Graduate diploma course.

Our hospital Training and Education services include:

Accredited Education and training Programmes

  • Auditing cleaning standards
  • Healthcare cleaning workshops
  • Basic cleaning processes and methods
  • Infection Prevention and Control training
  • Environmental auditing

"At Barts we have been working with Medical Audits over several years, which has in the last two years encompassed the transfer of our cleaning services from an out-sourced provider to a Trust self-delivery model which is still being developed across our 5 very busy and diverse hospitals.

During this time we have found that those we have dealt with at Medical Audits all have a deep understanding and expert knowledge of the National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness and Infection Prevention which has encouraged our staff to become better engaged in both the delivery of first pass cleaning and the clear and practical process of Cleanliness Auditing and how this is best used to drive continuous improvement in standards.

The team at Medical Audits are friendly and approachable and have extended their services to us beyond independent cleanliness auditing to the provision and delivery of a comprehensive and bespoke package of cleanliness training; geared around in-depth knowledge of the standards required , how to achieve those standards in the most efficient manner and, how to audit fairly and consistently to deliver practical and objective feedback to all levels of the cleaning teams.

The hands-on training sessions as delivered by medical audits have been extremely well received by all disciplines and levels including IPC, Clinical Managers, Directors of Nursing, Cleaning Supervisors, Cleanliness Assurance Auditors and our Cleaning Operatives , several of who noted that the sessions had been ‘eye-opening’ due to the frank and engaging delivery.

We would recommend the all-embracing and highly professional services of Medial Audits to all Healthcare providers wanting to improve their Cleanliness Standards and the Due Diligence and Governance as aligned and required.”

Moira Hedley
Associate Director of Cleaning Services
Barts Health NHS Trust

Train the trainer programmes –NMBI Accredited with CPD points

  • NHS Cleaning standards train the trainer programme
  • Healthcare cleaning workshops
  • Auditing NHS cleaning standards train the trainer programmes
  • Infection Prevention annual staff update train the trainer programmes

We Offer:

  • Programme co-ordination and setup
  • Information sessions, tutorials, one to one sessions, group sessions
  • On site delivery to save you time and hassle
  • Remote online sessions delivered via MS Teams

All hospital Training Programmes are:

  • Specifically designed for your individual needs
  • Delivered by Professional experienced IPC Nurses with MSc in Infection Prevention
  • Include delivery using a wide range of resources and training methods
  • Auditing sessions include Inter-rater reliability testing

"In consultation with Medical Audits training division, we developed a train the trainer programme to suit our specific needs and resources.

As hygiene services co-ordinator, I can say this course comes highly recommended. We realise the outcome of the training will have a hugely positive impact on cleaning services and the standard of cleaning throughout the whole hospital. As hygiene services co-ordinator, I can say this course comes highly recommended. We realise the outcome of the training will have a hugely positive impact on cleaning services and the standard of cleaning throughout the whole hospital.

We found the whole experience fabulous and everyone really enjoyed the expertly delivered mix of laughter, real life examples and best practice standards in the learning process."

Ann White
Hygiene Services Co-ordinator
Sligo University Hospital
Saolta University Health Care Group

Testimonial relating to a train the trainer programme on cleaning standards for hospital cleaning staff

For more information about our training services click any of the links below:

JCI Inspection Preparation.

Medical Audits have a team of experienced Infection Prevention Professionals with decades of experience in setting up and running Infection Control programmes

Our speaker was rated the highest out of the 7 conference speakers with 82% of delegates rating our speaker as "excellent "

Contact us, have a chat and lets book a demo