Whether your organisation is a private hospital group, an NHS foundation trust or NHS community care team, a HSE hospital or you work with learning disabilities services the need for maintenance and management of facilities including both hard FM and soft FM is essential.
Mathew Mckechnie, Operations Director
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Without Medical Audits we wouldn't have the data insight and richness of data, needed for our assurance..
Facilities Management in Hospitals
The Medical Audits Hospital Facilities software system has grown and evolved over many years merging all the daily tasks and including easy efficient ways to manage the planned maintenance and unplanned maintenance requests that are the reality of hospital FM across the NHS and across the HSE.
Our Hospital Facilities management system is a specifically developed range of FM software and includes applications for:
Hospital Facilities Management
- Scheduling routine maintenance
- Fire Assessments
- Security Assessments
- Legionnella records
Hospital FM Resource Management
- Staff allocation
- Job allocation
- External Service engineers
- Issue tracking
- Training records
Hospital Asset Management
- Asset Register
- Asset tracking
- Service history
- Service records
- Document Control
Hospital Maintenance Request Management
- Maintenance Helpdesk
- Ad-hoc maintenance issues
- General and routine maintenance
- Maintenance records
- Hospital wide Report maintenance issue functionality
Healthcare Estate Management
- Room allocation
- Room descriptions
- Ward and department layout management
- Document Control
Karina Svarcaite, Compliance Manager, Assurance & Contracts, Essentia
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Customer Testimonial after 3 years of using Medical Audits software, the team have 5 full time auditors using Medical Audits software all day and every day
Other Software Solutions in our Hospital Facilities Management Range include:
✔ National cleaning standards audit software
✔ Cleaning Efficacy audit software
✔ Hospital Estates and facilities monitoring and reporting software
✔ Hospital Facilities FM HELP DESK software
✔ Health and safety auditing software
✔ Linen and Laundry Management software
✔ Waste and sharps management software
✔ Security Risk Assessment software
✔ Fire risk assessment software
Our hospital facilities FM software is designed with reference to relevant National and International best practice standards and guidelines and building notes including:
✔ National standards for cleanliness in healthcare (NHS Improvement, 2025)
✔ High Impact Interventions (NHS Improvement & IPS, 2017).
✔ Health Building Note HBN 00-03
✔ Health Building Note HBN 00-02
✔ Health Building Note HBN10
✔ Healthcare risk waste management segregation packaging and storage guidelines for healthcare risk waste (DOH, Ireland, 2010)
✔ Management and disposal of healthcare waste (HTM 07-01) - England 2013.
✔ Scottish Health Technical Note 3 NHS Scotland waste management guidance (2015)
✔ Decontamination standards ISO 13485 standards software