The World Health Organisation (WHO) developed a multi modal strategy in 2009 – designed to assist hospitals and other healthcare organisations improve compliance with the 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene.

Components of the WHO multi modal strategy for improving hand hygiene compliance

✔ System Change
✔ Reminders in the Work Place
✔ Training and Education
✔ Audit with Feedback
✔ Institutional Safety Climate

WHO Multi Modal Strategy for Hand Hygiene Works!

This multi modal strategy has been PROVEN to improve compliance with the 5 moments for hand hygiene in hospitals across the world.

The literature is bulging with research papers and studies demonstrating the effectiveness of the 5 step multi modal hand hygiene strategy:

  • Implementing a multi modal strategy in China (Le Shen et al, 2017)
  • Improvements using the WHO multi modal strategy in South Africa (Patel et al, 2016)
  • Hand hygiene compliance improvements in the Netherlands (Amtz et al, 2016)
  • Utilising the WHO Multi modal strategy for Hand hygiene compliance in Costa Rica, Italy, Mali, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia (Allagrazia et al, 2013)
  • Multi modal strategy improves hand hygiene in Ethopia (Pfaffin, 2017)

So how do you go about implementing the Multi Modal Strategy?

The World Health Organisation have developed multiple tools and documents to assist organisations in firstly assessing their current status in relation to the multi modal strategy and secondly providing advice on a step by step approach to successful implementation and improved hand hygiene compliance rates..

At Medical Audits, our clinical team have first-hand experience of implementing the WHO Multi Modal Strategy and have assisted numerous organisations in increasing the hand hygiene compliance rates.

Clinical Services Provided Include:

  • Independent auditing of the five moments for hand hygiene
  • Train the trainer programmes for delivering hand hygiene training
  • Hand hygiene auditor training
  • Targeted training on hand hygiene for specific healthcare worker groups and / or specific hand hygiene moments
  • Consultation and advice on setting up multi modal strategies to improve hand hygiene compliance
  • Design of bespoke hand hygiene improvement programmes to meet your individual needs
  • Hand hygiene audit tools for observational audit of the WHO 5 moments

Medical Audits Hand Hygiene Audit Tool

Observational audit is the gold standard for auditing hand hygiene compliance (WHO, 2011).

Medical Audits Hand Hygiene Audit Tool has been specifically designed for observational audit of hand hygiene compliance. Our mobile auditing system has been specifically designed to help auditors provide real-time feedback during audits, a key component of the WHO Multi Modal Strategy.

The hand hygiene audits have an embedded hand hygiene training and education system to assist with training healthcare workers in the 5 moments at the point of care.

The combination of training and education in hand hygiene and hand hygiene audit with feedback further support the WHO multi modal strategy.

Hand Hygiene Audit System from Medical Audits

Our Hand Hygiene Audit tools have been developed in liaison with Infection Prevention Specialists to support the implementation of this Multi Modal Strategy.

Our mobile, paperless hand hygiene audit tool is compatible with the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) 5 moments audit tool and results can be benchmarked with any other healthcare facility in any other country that is using hand hygiene audit tools based on the WHO 5 moments audit tool.

Medical Audits Hand Hygiene Audit System Compatibility

  1. WHO 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene audit tool compliant
  2. Saving Lives Hand hygiene audit tool compliant
  3. NHS Scotland Hand Hygiene audit tool compliant
  4. Health Protection and Surveillance Centre (HPSC) hand hygiene audit tool compliant

Quality Assurance

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Infection Prevention Control Audit Software
5 Moments Hand Hygiene

Auditing the 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene is Essential to reduce risks of SEPSIS and SAVE LIVES

Who Model - 5 Moments Hand Hygiene

Make Every Moment Count Utilising Medical Audit’s Hand Hygiene Audit Tool increases impact of auditing by tripling your audit capacity and enabling immediate feedback & training at the point of care – Improving hand hygiene compliance & helping prevent Sepsis

Contact us, have a chat and lets book a demo