Medical Audits Supports the Implementation of Sepsis Escalation protocols as Part of Effective Sepsis Recognition and Management

Medical Audits Sepsis Escalation Protocol Audit Tool

Sepsis care bundles assist healthcare professionals in determining actions required when the presence of sepsis is suspected or diagnosed. These bundles of actions ensure standardised interventions are put in place promptly to reduce the risks of morbidity and mortality associated with sepsis.

Medical Audits, Sepsis escalation audit tool has been bespoke designed to assist with the implementation and ongoing audit of actions once sepsis is suspected or diagnosed; including management of sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock.

Medical Audits TS+ Sepsis bundles simplify the complex processes involved in Identifying Sepsis and enable standardised Sepsis management. Each of our bundles are designed to audit practice in relation to the key elements of sepsis management with a range of care bundles and audits to support the implementation of best practice guidelines.

Our Sepsis Management bundle includes audit tools and training resources for Sepsis Management

Implementing Sepsis screening programmes is now a national patient safety initiative. Medical Audits Sepsis Management audits are designed by healthcare experts with years of experience in implementing change and driving improvement strategies.

We know how challenging this can be and so we have designed a suite of audits, backed up with training and education resources, to empower staff in the clinical area.

Sepsis Escalation Protocols

The Management of SEPSIS and screening for Sepsis has become a worldwide target for Infection Prevention and Patient Safety in Healthcare and in the community.

All patients with an EWS of 3 or more should have a full set of observations recorded at least every 4 hours or as per local protocol until all observations return to normal.

This should include a temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and level of consciousness.

Depending on the EWS result, other actions are required – these actions form part of escalation protocols within organisations and ensure a prompt standardised approach to the management of sepsis.


All patients with an EWS or 4 or more (or 5 on supplementary Oxygen) should be assessed for SEPSIS.

This involves assessing the patient for evidence or suspicion of a new infection and then assessment of the patient for signs of sepsis or septic shock

If sepsis is suspected, Sepsis 6 should be commenced and completed within an hour.

Completion of SEPSIS 6 within 1 hour

TAKE Blood Cultures Taken Before Antibiotics commenced
TAKE Blood Samples for Lactate and FBC Reserved
TAKE Urine Output Measurement Recorded
GIVE O2 Therapy as Per Criteria
GIVE IV Fluid Resuscitation
GIVE IV Antibiotics According to Policy

Patients with a diagnosis of severe sepsis or septic shock are acutely ill and require emergency medical treatment. This treatment should be instigated immediately with specific interventions completed with 3 hours.

The 3 hour SEPSIS interventions include

Completion of SEPSIS 6 within 1 hour

TAKE Blood Cultures Taken Before Antibiotics commenced
TAKE Blood Samples for Lactate and FBC Reserved
TAKE Urine Output Measurement Recorded
GIVE O2 Therapy as Per Criteria
GIVE IV Fluid Resuscitation
GIVE IV Antibiotics According to Policy

3 hour Sepsis Bundle

Volume Status and Tissue perfusion reassessed within 3 hours
Fluid Resuscitation as per local protocol within 3 hours
Clinical and haemo-dynamic response assessed within 3 hours
Hourly urinary output measured
Repeat Lactate within 3 hours (if initial lactate abnormal)


Sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection.

This is characterised by evidence or suspicion of infection and signs of organ dysfunction.

Septic Shock
Septic shock is a subset of sepsis with circulatory and cellular/ metabolic dysfunction associated with a higher risk of mortality.

Patients with an infection have improved outcomes with early antimicrobials and fluid resuscitation.

Of course antibiotics should be stopped immediately if a non infective cause is identified.

Medical Audits Technology Systems enable and support your implementation to best practice guidelines and standards

✔ The Surviving Sepsis Campaign, International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2016
✔ The 3rd International Sepsis Consensus definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (JAMA 2016)
✔ National Clinical Guideline Number 6: Sepsis Management (HSE 2015)
✔ NICE guidelines on the recognition, diagnosis and management of severe sepsis 2016

*NICE guidance for sepsis are in development and will include the recognition, diagnosis and management of severe sepsis. Once issued, our systems will be updated to comply with any new recommendations

As with all Medical Audits’ systems, the data is available in real time on the audit devices AND on up to the minute digital dashboards, providing staff with feedback as soon as the audit is completed.


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Infection Prevention Control Audit Software

Medical Audit’s Technology System helps you monitor practice and train staff, ensuring Early Recognition of Sepsis and prompt Antimicrobial treatment.

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Multi-disciplinary involvement in SEPSIS recognition and management Essential to saving lives from SEPSIS.

Sepsis Management - National Clinical Guideline No.6

Medical Audits TS+ is Bespoke developed to help you implement and audit best practice guidelines

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