Provides evidence of the standards of care provided and helps identify areas for improvement.
Hydration Assessment Audit Software
This Hydration audit has been developed to enable your organisation to monitor compliance with local policy related to Hydration of patients and residents.
Completing the audit regularly will enable you to :
- Monitor compliance with local hydration assessments
- Monitor compliance with strict fluid balance chart completion
- Identify risks which may be associated with poor fluid intake for patients and residents
The audit has been designed with reference to the following:
- Care Quality Commission (2015) Regulation 14 - Meeting nutritional and hydration needs
- Cochrane Library (2015) Clinical symptoms, signs and tests for identification of impending and current water-loss dehydration in older people
- Healthcare Improvement Scotland (2014) Standards for food, fluid and nutritional care
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2012) Quality standard for nutrition support in adults (QS24)
- Department of Health. Essence of Care 2010: Benchmarks for Food and Drink
- WHO - World health organisation dehydration assessment tool
- ROC Reliance on a carer hydration assessment tool and care plan
- GULP hydration assessment and care plan
Hydration Assessment Audit software
Suitable for use in all acute hospitals and community care settings including:
✔ Care homes
✔ Nursing homes
✔ Dementia services
✔ Residential care services
✔ Disability services
✔ Hospital wards and departments
Paperless Hydration Audit tools
Our Hydration audit system is one of a range of paperless audit systems for monitoring compliance with patient assessments.
The range includes audits to monitor:
✔ Nutrition and Malnutrition (MUST) assessments
✔ Falls risk assessments
✔ Dementia assessments
✔ Ceiling of Treatment
✔ Management of Do Not Resuscitate (DNAR) orders
This Paper based audit software, specifically designed to enable easy and efficient monitoring of Nutrition status is also audit software to purchase as a combined Nutrition and Hydration Audit system.
All Medical Audits’ audit systems are based on best practice standards and guidelines.
They are developed in consultation with Healthcare experts and reference the following standards and guidance:-
✔ Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
✔ Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009
✔ National standards for safer better care (HIQA, 2012)
✔ Prevention and control of infection in care homes – an information resource (Health Protection Agency, 2013).
✔ National Standards for Residential Care settings in Ireland (HIQA, 2016)
✔ National Standards for Settings for Older People in Ireland (HIQA, 2016).
✔ The fundamental standards of care (CQC, 2017)
✔ High Impact Interventions (NHS Improvement & IPS, 2017).
Because all our systems combine into one complete auditing and quality assurance system, you can seamlessly audit across acute hospitals, primary care teams, Hospices, residential care settings, Dental practices, GP practices, out-patient clinics, prison services and more.