Infection Control Training for Security Personnel

COVID-19 training for Security Personnel

Our training programmes for infection prevention and control has been developed by our experienced Infection Prevention Professionals to help reassure and protect security personnel.

Our training for security guards includes a range of PowerPoint videos, training sessions and evaluations delivered via our online training portal by Medical Audits Infection prevention experts.

Training for Security Personnel or Staff

We have developed online infection control training for your security employees to help protect them from infections such as Influenza and COVID-19

Packed with lots of evidence based tips to reduce spread of infections in the workplace, the programme is essential to ensure your security personnel understand how to protect themselves from infections such as COVID-19 and Influenza.

It’s not just as simple as wearing a mask and cleaning your hands – our training for employees in security firms explains the why, when and how for safe wearing of masks and reducing risks of infections.

Advice On Symptoms And Reducing Risks Associated With The Respiratory Infections:


It can take from 2 to 5 days for symptoms of the Influenza or Coronavirus to appear.

The main difference between colds and flu is that colds start gradually and you feel worse bit by bit over a few days whereas influenza is likely to be suddent on set

Symptoms may include sweating and a temperature, a cough, a runny nose and symptoms like a cold or more severe symptoms like shortness of breath and breathing difficulties

Symptoms such as aches and pains and feeling very tired are also more common with flu than colds

Reduce risk of acquiring respiratory infections

You can reduce risk of picking up colds and flu by washing your hands properly and regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.

Other Infection Control Training Programmes

We also provide infection control training for Cleaners, porters, teachers, retail assistants and many others.

For more information on our infection prevention and control services and auditing systems click here

Quality Assurance Saving Lives Hygiene Audit.

Medical Audits have a team of experienced Infection Prevention Professionals with decades of experience in setting up and running Infection Control programmes- Let us support you

Contact us, have a chat and lets book a demo