Medical Audits HIQA audit software includes audit tools for:
✔ Monitoring of the decontamination and reprocessing of reusable medical devices in acute hospitals(2018)
✔ Auditing compliance with standards for infection prevention and control in community services (2018)
✔ Assessing you organisations compliance with National Standards for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in acute healthcare services (2017)
- Easy to use mobile audit system for ward and department based auditing using the Medical Audits HIQA Monitoring Guide
- Percentage compliance rates and areas for improvement identified as you audit
- Auto generated feedback reports and action plans
- Pre-populated Quality Improvement Plans at your fingertips
- HIQA compliance rates tracked and monitored with trend analysis reports
- Medical Audit with or without Wi-Fi
- Easy to use interface and design
- Developed by Healthcare experts and Software engineers specifically for the healthcare market
HIQA Audit Software for Community Care
Complete range of audit tools for monitoring your organisations compliance standards for infection prevention and control in community services (2018)
Suitable for use across all non-acute services such as:
- Ambulance service
- General practices (GP)s
- Dental practicess
- Residential services for older people and people with a disabilitys
- Day care servicess
- Community Care clinicss
- Out-patient clinicss
Software Audit Tools for Monitoring Decontamination standards:
✔ISO 13485:2016 standards
✔Standards of infection prevention in reprocessing flexible gastrointestinal endoscopes, (Society of Gastroenterology Nurses, 2016)
✔Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG) accreditation standards for endoscopy services, 2015.Relevant JAG standards
✔Decontamination and Reprocessing of Medical Devices for Health-care Facilities (WHO, 2016)
✔Guidance for Application of Standards and Recommended Practices in Primary Care Local Decontamination Units (HSE, Ireland 2016)
✔Multi society guideline on reprocessing flexible gastrointestinal endoscopes, (American Society for Gastrointestinal Surgery, 2011)
✔BSG guidance on decontamination of equipment for gastrointestinal endoscopy : the report of a working party of the British Society of Gastroenterology Endoscopy Committee (British Society of Gastroenterology, 2014)
The decontamination audit systems enables users assess processes related to cleaning, inspection, packing, decontamination, and sterilisation (where applicable), storage and transportation of reusable invasive medical devices (RIMD) in sterile services and endoscopy departments including:
- Verification of existence of procedures and processes in action
- Review of layout and design
- Workflow assessment
- Monitoring and control processes in action
- Processes for verification and validation
- Staff knowledge and training
- Product controls and management reviews
Suitable for auditing and assessing compliance with decontamination and reprocessing of reusable medical across multiple departments including:
- Central Decontamination Units and Sterile services Departments (CDU, SSD)
- Endoscopy Units
- Out-patient department
- Operating theatre
- Early pregnancy assessment unit
- Intensive care unit
- Radiology department
- Emergency department
HIQA Audit Software for Prevention of Infection in Acute Hospitals
The HIQA IPC audit software system for acute hospitals includes both the HIQA monitoring tool for auditing compliance with the HIQA National Standards for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in acute healthcare services (2017) and also a full detailed audit system which includes all HIQA requirements covered by these standards.
The HIQA audit tool can be used by your own staff to audit your hospitals compliance with the standards and identify both a list of non-compliances and an action plan.
The system is divided into the same categories for Safer Better Care as the HIQA infection prevention standards for ease of use and clarity of areas for improvement.
How can we help?
The clinical team at Medical Audits can also come on site and complete any of these audits for you.
We use our own software and provide you with a detailed report to guide your Infection Control programme and quality improvement plan.
Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) Standards Auditing Systems
Using our complete HIQA Standards Audit System organisations can assess compliance with each individual measurable element.
Designed for Hospital Managers and Quality Management Teams the Medical Audits HIQA Standards Systems include all the standards and measurable elements from the HIQA National Standards for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in acute healthcare services (2017).
Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Organisations need to monitor and measure their performance using a range of Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs).
Medical Audits Has a range of audit systems to support your organisations HIQA monitoring and HIQA auditing needs so you can evidence compliance with KPIs such as:-
✔ISO 13485:2016 standards
✔HIQA Surveillance of HCAI requirements
✔HIQA Hand Hygiene Standards Compliance
✔HIQA and HPSC Care Bundle Compliance
✔HIQA Environmental Hygiene standards
✔Health and Safety Legislation
✔HIQA Safe Medication Management
✔Decontamination standards
✔Healthcare cleaning standards